Master Cobbler

Master Cobbler

Movement Speed is increased. Movement Speed: +5%

Master Cobbler is one of the Collector's Guild Skills in Warhammer: Chaosbane. These skills are unlocked by donating materials and increasing your standing with the in-game Collector's faction.


Master Cobbler Information

  • Movement Speed is increased. Movement Speed: +5%


Master Cobbler Requirements

  • Required Level: 1
  • Required Skill Points: 0


Notes and Tips

  • Most basic skills generate energy, while Advanced skills cost energy. Certain skills may require specific equipment, such as shields, or reputation level of the Collectors' Guild.
  • Each Class has a set of skills that can be upgraded from Tier 1 to Tier 3. These skills consist of Active Skills and Passive Skills - depending on the type of your playstyle, you will be able to equip 6 Active Skills and 3 Passive Skills.






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